Sunday, December 28, 2008
Raw Success!
Making the desision to eat Raw has really changed my entire life, everyday I seem to be breathing deeper than ever before. I can finally feel air entering deeply into my lungs. I run almost 2 kilometers daily, with no sign of fatigue or breathlessness. I never suffer from allergies now, I am truely amazed at what has happened in such a short time.
My mother, who was"composting"as she puts it whan I arrived home from overseas, immediately went Raw when I moved back into her life! The menopause had begun and with it bouts of depression, sadness, hot flushes, foggy head, headaches and more, she had been Hypothyroid for over 30 years. Mum was truely ready for a change. We decided to live together and see what was possible....
As the detox took effect, Mum stayed fully strong and committed to a new level of herself. She actually quit her job as a RN, which she had studied long and hard for, realising that the sickness industry was not serving her, or her goals as one who could assist others to become truely well.
She met with so much resistance from collegues, and stayed true to herself and watched and waited as new windows of opportunity arrived!
Within a couple of days of going raw, mum had stopped falling asleep on the couch at 8pm. She was able to stay awake without effort, until she felt ready to sleep. Mum's eternal fog seemed to lift and stay lifted within the first week. Her happiness and inner child seemed to emerge along with it an openness that was so refreshing, as we became closer through healing ourselves.
We surrounded ourselves with Kevin Gianni's interviews, rawfood resources from all over the net, DVD's, The Sunfood Diet Success System (David Wolfe), Tony Robbins's motivational videos, Byron Katies" The Work" and we also signed up for the raw vegan networks online course in Raw Foods.
We started to teach Raw and Living Food Preparation.
All of a sudden we found ourselves charged with an energy that was like ideas swimming between us, bouncing off eachother as we bacame more inspired to share our progress. As mum regained her wellness, shed weight that had been with her for years, we started to moniter our progress and watch how our energy increased with the integration of daily running/weights workout.
After our first session Mum exclaimed "That was like bursts of energy, like electricity exciting my cells, completly different from running cooked!" I knew we had turned a corner, Mum was on her way....
I ordered E3Live from a supplier in Australia and we bagan to integrate that at two months raw (for mum) and me. Coupled with the living foods, smoothies and sprouts we consume, mum let me know that she had witnessed a change in her thyroid problem. Thyroid imbalance according to my mothers research as a nurse, Hashimoto's Disease is an Auto Immune Disease. Doctors like to say that this is with you for life, and in many cases I am sure it can be. Mum believes that her thyroid has started to function again, on its own. That in itself is amazing.
We are going to moniter this progress through blood tests and we will certainly let you know the progress that mum is making.
I am honoured and blessed to live with such a strong woman, who against all odds was willing to try another way and from where I stand, it looks like we are on the road to success!
Mum's goal after this one is achieved is to regain the pigment that has been unavailable in her body, causing her skin to be completely white. We know that anything is possible!
Truely, honouring Nature in turn is honouring our own being.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Live Pizza!

Live Pizza!
This is a pizza I make in 3 easy steps. The base, the sauces, the toppings.
Pulp of 4 large carrots/ or 4 carrots processed
2 Garlic Cloves
1tsp Crystal Salt/ Celtic Salt
1 cup soaked Almonds
1cup ground Flaxseeds/Linseeds
2cups soaked Buckwheat
1 cup Spinach or Parsley
1T Apple Cider Vinegar (opt)
1/2 cup water
Process all ingredients together, if they won't fit in your processor do first 4 ingredients,place in a mixing bowl, process last 5 ingredients and then mix well together in the bowl.
Spread out on a dehydrater sheet, making the shapes that please you. I can usually get 2 very large size pizza bases from this recipe. Smooth right to the edges, don't forget they shrink a little!
Score the pizza into slices, sized to suit who you are feeding.
I dehydrate my pizza base over night/all day (to eat in the night)at 110 degrees farenheight. I would say it takes about 6 hours, flip over and dehydrate another hour.
Say Cheeze!
2 cups soaked cashews, this helps them process smoother. (soak about 1/2 hour)
1/2 cup Pinenuts
1T Miso (i use unpasteurised chick pea miso)
1 Lemon juiced
1t Crystal salt
1/2 cup water (slowly added as cheeze is blending to create smooth consistency)
Everything together in the blender, process till smoother like Philly cheese.
Simply Saucy!
3 tomatos
1/2 cup sundried tomatos
1 date (or honey)
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2t Crystal Slat
Fresh herbs (Oregano, Basil, Parsley)
Blend until a nice smooth sauce you can spread easily on the pizza base.
Toppings: (see photo above)
Marinated Spiralized zucchini (courgette): Finely chopped basil, Olive oil.
Marinated red onion: marinate in lemon juice
Chopped tomatos
Assembly of the pizza:
1. Spread your tomato sauce to the very edges of the pizza base.
2. Spoon the nut cheeze into a snaplock bag and cut the corner off the bag, say about 5mm in.
3. Squeeze the cheeze in glorous spirally patterns over the pizza pieces.
4. While you are preparing the toppings, put the pizza back in the dehydrater, to get the flavours happening!
5. Place zucchini on first, covering the base, be generous, it shrinks a little!
6. Follow with onion slices and chopped tomato, dehydrate on 105 degrees another 20 minutes.
E3Live for Ultimate Superpowers!

Is it Nature's Foundational Superfood?
by Adam Christopher
(Note: the following article appeared in Body and Soul Magazine
and has been reproduced in its entirety.)
Lake KIamath is nature's last pure ecological niche for the production of Blue Green Algae on our planet, "nature's first and foundational mother and father generic engineering prototype for photosynthesis," standing at the very basis of the food chain.
The story of Blue Green Algae is the scientific version of "The Emperor Has No Clothes." The simplest food as the most foundational food for nourishing the body. Only recently in scientific terms is the miracle of Lake KIamath Blue Green Algae being recognized for its truly miraculous nutritional, healing and regenerative powers on both an analytic biochemical level and a synthetic vibrational, synergistic level.
Blue Green Algae is the oldest whole food plant on our planet antedating three billion years in accumulated genetic history. Algae as a whole accounts for over 80% of the global oxygen on our planet, critical to our maintaining our atmospheric equilibrium, and as such is nature's super-template for photosynthesis.
The miracle of Lake KIamath Blue Green Algae is that it is the only naturally occurring algae on the planet growing wild and organically photosynthesizing itself yearly. The reason for this is the pure water and air conditions plus the thirty-five feet of colloidal mineral sediment wealth built up from ancient glacial periods. The colloidal mineral wealth of Lake Klamath acts as a mineral resonant lattice foundation for the creative synergizing rays of the sun. All other algae, including spirulina and chlorelIa, are grown in man-made, synthetically engineered food ponds and are not born of nature's synergy.
The secret of Lake Klamath is that it is one of, if not the, richest zeta potential mineral base environments in the world. The term zeta potential is a modern term describing an ascending geometric ordering pattern of atomic and molecular bonding angles derived from the electrical field strength of colloidal minerals. Lake KIamath, as an extraordinarily rich colloidal mineral lake, acts as a giant computer creating tiny seed crystals in the otherwise anomalous lake water. The seed crystals electrically charge the lake with an unusually high ordering capacity giving rise to the miracle of Lake KIamath Blue Green Algae.
It is the highly charged zeta potential minerals which determine protein production in our bodies. If the electrically charged colloids are not there the total spectrum of enzymes which act as a master key for controlling the body's protein synthesis and biochemistry will not be there and we will be in a state of cellular degeneration and not regeneration.
The power of highly charged zeta potential mineral life is further evidenced by the fact that Lake KIamath Blue Green Algae produces the highest complement of protein neuro-peptides of any single known food substance. It is known through recent scientific research that neuro-peptides create the neuro-genetic transmission nodes in the body. In the language of psychology, neuro-peptides are the biological basis of linking mind and body into higher levels of information flow, or psychological level of integrating self consciousness.
Lake Klamath Blue Green Algae's genetic code almost perfectly matches the human DNA cell code and has what is scientifically called a perfect amino acid profile. Blue Green Algae is directly assimilated by the body with its glucose wall unlike other forms of man-made photosynthesized algae such as chlorella which have a cellulose cell wall. A cellulose wall is undigestible and must be broken down through artificial heat protracted processing.
Lake Klamath Blue Green Algae is nature's most powerful chlorophyll oxygenating food on our planet and has three to five times the oxygenating chlorophyll as any other whole food algae, including spirulina and chlorella.
Lake KIamath Blue Green Algae, because it genetically functions like a bacteria yet has the chlorophyll structure of a plant and the cell wall of an animal shares its information non-discriminatively with its environment -- "everything is available all the time." This universal spectrum of life information, which has been continuously updated the last three billion years, is accelerated multiplicatively when Blue Green Algae is challenged physically as in the Lake Klamath harvesting process. What this does for us is to allow every cell in our body the unique opportunity to select the nutritional energy / information it needs to uniquely fulfill its total holistic functioning. Wow!
The new unified field sciences of the post-Einsteinian age developed by such world thinkers as A. N. Whithead, Karl Prigram, William Teller, and David Bohm among others, see the nature of man and the universe as a gigantic creative hologram where all events creatively reflect the whole from their holonic perspective. Given this scientific framework to understand nutritional science, the body is built out of wholes, and not parts. Nutritionally, this means that what regenerates the body are nutritional holograms that mirror to the body a total holonic pattern as close at possible to the body's own biological biocrystalline structure. In this simple context, Blue Green Algae is the "master holonic biochip code" at the basis of the frequency resonant patterning of the body, as well at being the master hologram for the physical carbon-oxygen-hydrogen-nitrogen biochemical evolutionary programming of the body. Utilizing the framework of the new sciences, blue green algae is the revolutionary "life access code," foundational to nutritional science and human biological evolution.
In the context of unified energy science, the discovery of blue green algae, and specifically Lake KIamath Blue Green Algae, comes at a time when humanity's food source is globally threatened at its very foundation. Blue green algae would appear to be a self-consciously awakened reprieve of preserving and holding up to the earth and its populace the original organic and regenerative foundation of life itself.
Check out for more info on how to get E3Live and other AFA products into your body now!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
No#1 Health Tip: The Green Smoothie!

One of the best ways ever to get your greens into you is blending them into a Green Smoothie!
Not only are you getting a potent mineral rich complete food to nourish your system, you will very quickly, after starting your green smoothie intake, feel less tired, more alert and focused,
your eyesight gets better, your energy levels increase and you begin to fit more excersise into your life and your overtaxed system has a chance to begin healing itself!
Humans cannot survive with out green leaves and green foods. Chlorophyll is the basis of every sugar that we know. Eating and drinking greens should be classsed as a health priority like pure water, pure air and sunshine is! That's why I feel it is important to tell you about it!
180 years ago when the industrial age began, and people stopped consuming greens and turned to convenience foods. The health of the industrialised, civilised population has most definately declined since our nutritional intake has suffered! That is 6 generations of bad nutritional encoding to combat folks!
If we dont eat enough greens, we cannot produce enough stomach acid, which means we cannot absorb nutrients and digest foods properly. This leads to deficency in our bodies. Deficiency creates imbalance in the body. Hormonal, emotional, brain chem suffers etc. Then we become more susceptable to disease.
The good news is we can very quickly heal ourselves through drinking nutritionally rich organic greens. They not only give vital protiens, vitamins, minerals and iron but they also, when blended act as a broom, cleaning out the intestinal tract of toxins.
Getting them down.
Blending your greens in fruit and water will not oxidize your green foods, it will also be sweet and delicious . You'll find you become really into the taste of green smoothies, they are so fresh, tasty and thick and a really good meal!
Rotate the greens you are using, or mix your greens up! eg. kale & parsley. It can be your supplement, your superfood and is in a perfectly digestable form when blended. Potent nourishment comes in the form of the green smoothie!
So what goes into one?
You have a wide variety of greens to choose from and practically endless variety or combinations of fruits to add together to make a different flavour every day!
Greens and Leaves: Kale, Collard Greens, Mustard Greens, Wild Dandilion and other wild herbs, Cilantro, Parsley, Basil, Mint, Lettuce, Sprouts, Spinach, Bok Choy, Pak Choy, Beetgreens, Aloe Vera, Wheatgrass, Barleygrass, Dulse & seagreens and more! (the list is endless!)
Suggested fruits: Bananas, Mangos, Fresh or frozen organic berries, Oranges, Papaya, Pineapple
A good amount of smoothie to drink daily is about 1 to 2 litres.
In your blender place:
1-2 cups of greens
as much friut as you need (I place one banana, berries and mango)
Pure water
And blend until smooth.
EAT in joy! (Don't forget to chew every sip of your smoothie, it lets your stomach know there is food coming and it also converts complex sugars to simple sugars, you'll know when to swallow the smoothie will taste warm and sweet, thats a good part of you digestion done!)
To your health!
For more information about the green smoothie revolution.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Raw Vegan Lifestyle
I first learnt about being raw when I started to question what I had been told
about foods I was eating. When my son born I had been living on "healthy" vegetatian cooked food. A major part of my diet was soy based products, some organic yoghurt on occasion, lots of cooked grains, nice organic breads and salads.
The problem was, I was lethargic, bloated, kinda moody, and seemed like i couldn't get enough food. I was constantly unsatisfied and would justify a bit of sugar here and there as well "I'm breastfeeding, I must need a bit of everything". Another symptom I noticed was a definate lack of clarity, I was exsisting almost all of the time just a bit insecure and a little confused.
I read "Take Control of your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry" by Elaine Hollingsworth and immediately quit eating soy, dairy, bread and sugar! I was amazed at how those four staples (five if you include humanity's fascination with meat and it's products), cut out of my diet a: immediately left me with pretty much one direction to turn to (going raw) b: cleared up my asthma to the degree I stopped taking preventative medicines and Ventolin. I havent touched medication in one year. That change alone changed my life.
My energy also changed, my eyes became clearer and my skin experienced a vast improvement. Going Raw heightens that too!
Elains book describes in the last chapter what you actually CAN eat after you have eliminated the soy, toxic dairy (cooked, pasteurised), breads, cooked grains, sugar, processed foods and meat. This led me to experiencing for the first time emphasis on live foods. I wasn't a stranger to salads, fruits, juices or sprouting but I had never had Raw at the forefront of my nutritional understanding.
I had always believed in Organics, and eating well, but I now understood why I was not getting the results I wanted from my body, mind and spirit, I was cooking my food. That was my Ahaaa moment. I then EASILY and with anticipation of the big change, went Raw Live Foods.
The thing I didn't know, and it feels like now that i wasn't even concious of it! was that cooked and processed foods are actually toxic to the bodys innate biology. Destroying the enzymes in fresh raw foods by cooking them will cause your body to secrete its own precious limited enzyme supply from the liver, pancreas and digestive system simply to assist the digestion and breakdown of foods that have simply become unrecognisable and almost unusable by the body. The nutrients in cooked food have been dramatically changed through heating and have a completely different and physically new structure, not recognised as life force food by the body and subsequently stored inside generally around the middle, hips, thighs as fat and in our precious organs.
We are not only what we eat, we are moreso what we assimilate, from what we eat.
So, what can I eat? You might be asking.
Eating a diet of fresh raw wholefoods, sprouted nuts, seeds and grains and the good fats for optimum health is definately recommended. This combination offers up virtually endless delicious choices, that no one day need be the same as the day before!
I like to look at this choice to only eat raw live wholefoods as abundance not limitation! I eat everyday knowing that i am giving myself super health in the long run. I eat every day with a fascination and creativity that is inspired by the whole and complete foods that are found in Nature.
Throughout the life of this blog I will touch on why I eat some of the things that I do and how you can too!
Number ONE is EAT ORGANIC! please!
The Agricultural Mega Buisiness is a totally unsustainable practice and if you really look into it, it is unsustainable not only for the land as the soil is toxic and spent, but it is also putting our own bodies on the line, every time.
Our fruits and veges if not Organic (some small farms are not organic and don't spray, that is a safer option as well) are sprayed with Herbacides, Pestacides and Fungucides. These sprays are made from dangerous petrochemicals, and no, farming does not scrimp on amounts fo chemicals used. Need I say more?
The average person eating a non organic diet is unaware they are putting up to a whopping 7 kg of chemicals into their bodies every year. This food/chemical intake also includes all of the processed non foods, chemical laden soft drinks, candy, medication, household cleaning products, dyes in clothing, toxic hair products and more used by the average person on a daily basis!
Where are those chemicals going? Can the body get rid of them if there is unrelenting processed, cooked foods entering the system day after day, year after year?
What I eat:
A wide variety of fresh organic fruits and veges. Seasonal too!
(organic farming tends to follow seasons alot closer)
I eat healthy plant fats. Currently I am eating Raw Organic Cold Pressed Coconut Oil*
(more on this at a later date) Cold Pressed Olive Oil, Hempseed Oil, Avocados, Raw Olives,
Soaked nuts, seeds.
Alot of Green Foods!
Beet Greens
Sprouts: Lentil, Alfalfa, Mung, Radish, Brocolli, Sunflower Seeds.
Sprouted Grains:
Flax or Linseeds
Nut Mylks
Coconut, Coconut and Macadamia, Almond, Sunflower, Raw Tahini mylk
Purple Corn
Raw Vanilla
Wildcrafted Raw Organic Agave*
Raw unfiltered Honey
The combinations of foods is truely endless and abundant. From where I was to how I feel now I am so pleased that I had the means, energy and willingness to make the switch from Vegetarian to Raw Live Foods!
I feel truely blessed to have my new found awareness that keeps growing and expanding, and to share it with you is so special for me. I say that because I was "normal" I had period pains, monthly, I felt a bit bloated constantly, always not quite on the ball, a bit achey, moody, unclear.
All of those things have changed and more and I want to share my journey as perhaps others who are feeling "normal" or just okay can try something new and reap so many rewards from that simple choice to make the switch from cooked to raw!